You have probably had numerous conversations about integrating sales and marketing, rich with great ideas on how to improve this relationship and start capturing more sales from the leads marketing is generating. But if your organization is like most others, marketing and sales still continues to be siloed, and often at odds with each other. Worse yet, you can probably see the sales that these teams should be generating. You know there is more business there, but this revenue just keeps being illusive. Why is this? It may very well be because there is a historic gap between marketing and sales. If you're curious about this gap, then I invite you to watch this video discussion. After all, if we can get marketing and sales better aligned, sales performance will increase and we’ll generate more sales. If you're looking to solve the marketing and sales gap, then I recommend starting with awareness. Sometimes the most effective first step to aligning sales and marketing is simply to get these two teams talking. A good place to start is to see what each defines as their role within the buyers journey and within each stage of the sales funnel. |
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December 2024