Know the Stakeholders and Show Up as the Owner of the Call
Prospects, stakeholders or clients (with whomever you are meeting) have a tendency to take over-scheduled calls and meetings. When this happens it’s typically because they are trying to get to what is important to them. Find out what matters most to them and come prepared to deliver it, so they can stay focused and engaged. It’s your job to ensure everyone’s time is consistently well spent and is key to having a successful sales call. This gets back to the importance of always building trust (and maintaining it). Tip 1: I set my meeting agendas at least a day in advance and share them with my clients for input, so we have shared ownership of how we use the allotted time. Tip 2: I put the meeting agenda directly in the calendar invite along with links to any docs, decks, etc. I might plan to reference on the call. This saves significant time for clients since they don’t need to fish around their inbox for the attachments they need. Tip 3: I always give those on the call permission not to be fully prepared, but tell them to consider our calls working sessions. Developing a cadence of weekly time set aside to focus on marketing activities frees up mind space for busy clients. Do not spend time in a meeting for any tasks that could otherwise be handled in an email, short phone call or similar. Comments are closed.
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December 2024